Metinvest is an international steel and mining group with vast iron ore reserves, coal mines and steelmaking assets in Europe and North America. Our vertically integrated business model …
Metinvest manages the complete production chain, from extracting iron ore and coal to manufacturing semi-finished and finished steel products. With assets close to key railway lines …
In 2009, UCC became the North American subsidiary of Metinvest, an international, vertically integrated mining and steel group. 3 mln metric tons annually — average production capacities
Metinvest’s was steadfast in its commitment to its people at all times in 2023, while prioritising the development of an ecosystem for reintegrating veterans into the Group and continuing to …
Apr 4, 2023 · Promet Steel JSC is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the production of a diverse range of hot-rolled steel sections and is a part of the Metinvest Group
Metinvest Polska sells the Group's products in Central and Eastern Europe. In 2021, the company supplied more than 1.4 million tonnes of rolled products and pipes to the markets of Poland, …
Metinvest creates opportunities for career growth. You can grow either within your enterprise, be promoted to a higher position at another enterprise of the Group or build an international …
In 2010, United Coal Company launched its third subsidiary in West Virginia, Affinity Coal Company, by opening an idled coal mine and constructing a new preparation plant. Affinity …
Метінвест – міжнародна вертикально інтегрована гірничо-металургійна група компаній. До структури групи входять видобувні й металургійні підприємства в Україні, Європі та США, …