Solar Power with 12v heating element and heated water dish
Aug 6, 2014 · I have a 100W Solar panel with batteries. I would like to provide a means of heating to just take the bite out of the cold air in winter on days and nights below 30, and would like to heat the water pan. Anyone know of a 30-60 watt heating element or frosted bulb that would do the trick? Also, would like to heat a water bowl using 12v as well.
Battery powered heated waterer. - BackYard Chickens
Jul 13, 2018 · Get a regular heated dog bowl that uses about 25 watts. Set up a solar panel with a marine type battery and a small inverter to plug your bowl into. If you have a decent size battery, it would likely last all night and then it could recharge in the daytime.
Solar Powered Generators for Powering De-icer?
Apr 5, 2019 · I’ve tried placing water in the coop, adding ping-pong balls to bob around and stop ice forming, refilling with warmer water… it all freezes much more quickly than I’d like and requires constant monitoring. The only success I’ve had in the past is when I use a heated dog water bowl.
$21 heated water dish | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
Oct 3, 2012 · I needed a way to keep the water clean and provide a good, fresh supply. I saw that a 1 quart waterer ($4.28 including tax from a local feed store) would sit comfortably in the bowl, but I thought that would be awkward and would add a layer of separation/insulation between the heated bowl and the water.
Non-electric heated water - BackYard Chickens
Oct 13, 2011 · There are solar powered water heating elements similar to stock tank heaters. I don't believe a 12v light bulb will produce enough heat to keep water from freezing. But I have no experience to state that as fact. Probably just have to hope for a lot of snow or temp electric with direct burial romex.
Solar water heating. | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
Nov 25, 2012 · In the winter we use a heated dog water dish for our chickens. We used to run a long extension cord from the garage out to the coop, but recently moved the coop further off and now running a cord is not feasible. We would like to get a solar panel to supply enough power to run the water heater...
Solar powered birdbath fountain as winter waterer?
Aug 10, 2009 · We'd like to avoid running electricity to the coop, so that eliminates traditional heated waterers. I haven't come across a solar heated waterer either. BUT, they do make birdbaths with solar-powered pumps. Presumably the movement of the water would keep it from freezing even when temps dip below freezing.
Solar heated base for chicken waterer - BackYard Chickens
Jun 24, 2016 · People have success with solar based lighting and solar chicken doors because it is not hard to power a 9 Watt CFL bulb, or a much smaller wattage LED bulb, but it is hard to power a 50 to 100 watt heater (that is on the low end of what you would need) for the entire time the temp is below freezing.
A testament to the mighty heated dog bowl's effectiveness
Jan 31, 2022 · Those heated dog bowls work really well. I know people who use them and they have nothing but good to say about them. I keep one as a back up just in case my watering system fails. I'd consider using one all the time if it just held more water. A gallon and a half of water is just not enough for my situation.
Heated rabbit water bowl for 4 chickens
Jan 9, 2015 · Hi All, Newbie here. I've just learned the joy of lugging water out to the coop in the morning in subfreezing weather! Only to have it freeze up within an hour. So, I did look at heated dog water bowls - way to big for my little chicken tractor and 4 girls. The guy at tractor supply...