Give cows dual-mode support, including prevention and protection, to combat mycotoxin pressures and beyond. The threat of ...
As time moves on, many farms in Asia as well as Central Europe have had the sad experience of African Swine Fever visiting ...
Pig welfare expert Vivi Aarestrup Moustsen talks you through a survey in which experts assessed the ideal pen size for sows.
The production costs of 1 kg of pork in live weight is projected to reach Rub 95 kg ($1.11) in 2025. This is an 8% increase.
There is not a lot of information available about Oceania’s role in meat production – which is partly understandable, ...
Romania is expected to boost its pig population to reach complete self-sufficiency in pork, according to Florin Barbu.
Danish leading pig producer Danish Crown is stopping its factory in Pinghu near Shanghai after less than six years. Pinghu is ...
The Dutch couple Sarah van den Berg and Dirk Thijssen have owned a sow farm in Eastern Germany since mid 2023.