Since the Covid-19 crisis, the use by patients of companies who provide telephone and online health consultations with ...
Interior minister Bruno Retailleau has arrived in Mayotte and told French media: "It will take days and days to establish the ...
Officials warn it will take days to know the full toll after Cyclone Chido swept across the Indian Ocean island on its way to ...
Despite the fact that prime minister Michel Barnier’s government was toppled by a vote of no confidence, Emmanuel Macron has ...
The Real Madrid player and French captain, one of football's most high-profile stars, was never formally named by Swedish ...
Trois ex-rugbymen de Grenoble ont été condamnés vendredi à des peines de 12 à 14 ans de réclusion criminelle pour avoir violé ...
Prosecutor demands two-year house detention for Christophe Ruggia for alleged sexual assault of the actor when she was a ...
Even though concern about corruption looms large in the very opinion polls that the worlds of politics and journalism  hold ...
Top party chiefs in France met with President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday to discuss a way out of the latest political crisis, ...
Sur la plateforme Kick, des streameurs français multiplient les humiliations physiques et psychologiques en direct tous les soirs, pour obtenir les dons des spectateurs. Un business de la maltraitance ...
En ce premier vendredi après la fuite de Bachar al-Assad, les Syriens et les Syriennes ont célébré la chute de son régime de terreur. À la joie et au soulagement se mêlent douleur des pertes et ...
The 73-year-old former justice minister, who ran for president three times before rallying behind Macron in 2017, is the founder of the centrist Democratic Movement political party (MoDem), and ...