The Global Environment Facility’s Council approved today the CSO Challenge Program – a new global program led by the ...
In December 2024, the landmark report "Enhancing Meaningful Indigenous Leadership and Collaboration in International ...
UNCCD COP16 has put the spotlight on land degradation and desertification. This momentum now needs to be turned into ...
The arguments came during landmark legal proceedings that could clarify what responsibilities States have in fighting climate change – and the consequences they could face for failing to do so.
At the 44th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention in December in Strasbourg, the contracting parties ...
The Heritage in Young Hands (HIYH) annual meeting took place today at the National Trust of Fiji (NTF) Conference Room.
The landmark legal proceedings before the ICJ could clarify what legal responsibilities States have to fight climate change.
The collection and dissemination of information about nature conservation has been at the heart of IUCN since its founding in 1948, with the collections of the IUCN Library predating IUCN itself. The ...
The 6 th Tripartite Meeting of IUCN Members in China, Japan and the Republic of Korea was held in Shanghai, China, from 20-22 November 2024. Hosted by the Network of IUCN Members in China, the meeting ...
The time is now to invest in nature. Countries are responding to the economic impacts of COVID by allocating trillions of dollars to fiscal stimulus packages and beginning to develop longer-term ...
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), worldwide face challenging issues like climate change, lack of up-to-date accurate data, human actions such as plastic pollution and encroachment, insufficient funding ...
A decade has passed since the 6th IUCN World Parks Congress convened in Sydney, Australia, in November 2014. This Congress ...