"It’s a moment of historic opportunity for the long-suffering people of Syria to build a better future for their proud ...
Countries that respect human rights are – on the whole – more stable, more secure, more peaceful. They’re more reliable partners. They’re better stewards of our shared planet,” ...
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in the statement, “The United States is strongly committed to promoting respect for ...
We must also keep an international spotlight on efforts to ensure justice and accountability for victims of crimes against ...
"When people around the world have greater access to markets, to health care, to renewable energy, that’s good for America’s ...
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以下是一篇反映美國政府政策立場的社論: 在敘利亞,在阿薩德家族50年鐵腕統治和13年內戰之後,巴沙爾·阿薩德總統的政權垮台了。在一個星期多一點的時間裡,伊斯蘭主義反政府武裝席捲了 ...
미국 정부의 견해를 반영하는 논평입니다. 최근 아시아태평양 경제협력체(APEC)회의가 열린 페루를 방문한 토니 블링컨 국무장관은 미국이 리마(Lima) 시를 도와 매일 20만 명 이상이 이용할 수 ...
以下是一篇反映美國政府政策立場的社論: 美國盼望在未來的歲月裡與非洲發展夥伴關係。喬·拜登總統最近在訪問安哥拉期間宣布,沒有哪裡的前景比安哥拉更加令人興奮了。 拜登總統說 ...
We’ve added two new Allies in Finland and Sweden, immensely strengthened our Alliance for the future,” said Secretary Blinken ...