Aim Following an audit in 2012, which identified variability in the recognition and escalation of deteriorating patients, Safety Huddles were introduced, utilising a Childrens’ Early Warning Score ...
Nursing Clinical handover(CH) is a crucial point of vulnerability in patient care that can lead to errors and/or adverse events if incomplete or inaccurate (Department of health 2015, Manias et al ...
Varicella, known as chickenpox, is caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV), with an estimated 84 million cases annually. It primarily affects children, for most of whom it is a self-limiting ...
Dr D Soler, Department of Paediatrics, St Luke’s Hospital, Guardamangia, Malta. If you wish to reuse any or all of this article please use the link below which will ...
Objective Neural tube defects (NTDs) are a preventable folate deficiency disorder; increasing folic acid intake through food fortification increases serum and red blood cell folate and reduces the ...
During intensive and long-lasting treatments, short-term or emergency care, children often undergo minor needle-related procedures (ie, venepuncture, venous cannulation and puncture of central venous ...
It is unsettling when parents refuse treatment for their child’s serious illness based on their expectation of a miraculous cure. We have in 15 years encountered 26 cases where parents opposed serious ...
Objective This study aimed to examine profiles of co-occurrence of developmental disorders and their association with birth before full term. Design Latent class analysis of cohort data with linked ...
If you wish to reuse any or all of this article please use the link below which will take you to the Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink service. You will be ...
Objective To examine the views of adolescents with excess weight and parents of adolescents with excess weight towards weight and weight management. Design A qualitative study design using ...