Pavel Durov, a Russian-born tech mogul who co-founded the popular social media platform Telegram, was arrested this weekend in France, the French press reported Sunday. Durov's arrest was ...
The Telegram founder and CEO, however, described his arrest by French authorities as “misguided” and said the messaging ...
The founder and CEO of the messaging service Telegram was detained at a Paris airport, French media reported Sunday.
A lawyer for embattled Telegram boss Pavel Durov said Thursday it was “absurd” for French authorities to claim the Russian-born billionaire should be held personally liable for criminal ...
The arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has sparked questions about the messaging app’s future — and the precedent prosecution could set. On August 24th, French authorities took Durov into ...
France's OFMIN, an agency tasked with preventing violence against minors, issued an arrest warrant for Durov as the ...
The recent arrest of Telegram's CEO, Pavel Durov, has sparked widespread debate about the growing influence of governments ...
The Ukrainian government has banned the use of the Telegram messaging app on state and military mobile phones in a bid to ...