Chancellor Olaf Scholz hopes his decision to put a confidence vote to parliament will allow voters to "set the political ...
Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor, faces a motion of confidence today that is expected to officially bring down his ...
Polls suggest that a February election would result in a rightward shift, at a moment when Europe’s largest economy is ...
Chancellor Olaf Scholz asked Germany's parliament on Monday to declare it has no confidence in him, taking the first formal ...
BERLIN (AP) — Chancellor Olaf Scholz faces a confidence vote in the German parliament on Monday that he's expected to lose, ...
FDP-Chef reagiert auf beißende Kritik des Kanzlers +++ Habeck: „Wir waren genervt voneinander“ +++ Merz attackiert Scholz: ...
Alternative for Germany (AfD) holds the cards as the German Chancellor faces a motion of no confidence in the Bundestag.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will call on parliament today to declare it has no confidence in him, taking the first formal ...
Im Bundestag hat der Kanzler angekündigt, den Weg für Wahlen freimachen zu wollen. In seiner Erklärung stieg Scholz ...
Scholz hat den Bundestag aufgefordert, ihm das Vertrauen auszusprechen. Seine Rede nutzte er auch, um gegen die FDP zu ...
Heute Nachmittag stellt sich der Sozialdemokrat der Vertrauensfrage, Ende Februar dürfte es Neuwahlen geben. Scholz’ ...