At close, the Sensex gained 0.3 per cent (226.85 points) to 76,759.81, while the Nifty rose 0.3 per cent (86.4 points) to 23,249.5.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) on Thursday (Jan 30) initiated a crackdown on financial influences, also called finfluencers, on giving advice to their followers on the stock market.
The trends on Gift Nifty also indicate a tepid start for the Indian benchmark index. The Gift Nifty was trading around 23,150 ...
Gift Nifty indicated a muted start for the Indian stock market indices. Asian markets dipped, while the US stock market ended ...
Welcome to the BPCL Stock Liveblog, your real-time source for the latest updates and comprehensive analysis on a prominent ...
Discover the Bharti Airtel Stock Liveblog, your go-to destination for real-time updates and comprehensive analysis of a ...
Equity benchmarks rise on defense and PSU stocks ahead of interim budget, Sensex up 226.85 points, Nifty gains 86.40 points.
The Indian stock market has evolved at its fastest pace in the past decade. Many maestros have now entered the market and the market is more inclined towards the technical analysis aspect.
In the last three years, the government has virtually shut down the disinvestment and privatisation programme.
Indian markets offer an attractive medium-to-long term investment opportunity, despite a recent exodus of foreign money, fund ...
India’s central bank bought 200 billion rupees ($2.3 billion) of bonds as planned at the first open-market auction in almost four years.