Credit: Australian Reptile Park/Cover Images A Tiger snake has set a new world record for the largest venom yield ever collected in a single session. During a collection at the Australian Reptile Park ...
The study marks a major shift in understanding the Sydney funnel-web spider, with each newly identified species occupying ...
The Sydney funnel-web spider has extremely dangerous venom, but according to a new study this spider is actually three ...
The name stuck until more recently when staff at the Australian Reptile Park, which milks venom from the fangs of Sydney funnel-webs to produce antivenom, reported noticing some unusually large ...
“The Newcastle funnel-web, Atrax christenseni— dubbed Big Boy—is a totally new species. The ‘true’ Sydney Funnel-web, Atrax ...
Australia's reputation for venomous spiders comes partly from the deadly Sydney funnel-web. It turns out there is not just ...
Scientists reveal the Sydney funnel-web spider is actually three distinct species, with Newcastle's "Big Boy" reigning ...
Australian scientists have discovered a new species of the deadly funnel-web spider that is bigger and more venomous than its ...
A ustralia might be home to a large proportion of the world’s deadliest animals but it's about to have three more. The iconic Sydney funnel-web spider, with one of the world’s deadliest bites, has ...
Australian scientists have discovered a bigger, more venomous species of the Sydney funnel-web spider, one of the world's ...
"If you are bitten by a funnel-web spider, call an ambulance and go straight to hospital," researcher Geoff Isbister said.