White must have seen the sign during warmups, as he eventually greeted the fan, signed his sign, and granted his wish for a picture. Here's a video of the heartwarming interaction: I'd say the ...
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Listed meat processor BRF said on Thursday food sales exceeded expectations in the first two months of the year in Brazil, with the company planning to expand production of ...
A railway company in Sao Paulo, Brazil's most populous city, claims to have found a solution: give the tracks a lick of white paint to reflect the sun's rays and prevent the steel from overheating.
Yet just last week, a train in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro derailed after the tracks expanded and buckled after being heated to a sizzling 71 degrees Celsius (160 degrees Fahrenheit ...
Few people suspect that when they board a train during a heatwave they may be risking their lives, as high temperatures can warp tracks and maybe even cause the train to derail.