The Wellness Fair is a give back type of community event, just to bring people out, bring people together,” said Jeff Shontz, ...
You can achieve a leaner, healthier body with the right combination of diet and exercise -- all from the comfort of your home ...
Most people walk incorrectly, affecting their health. Sports scientist Joanna Hall points out four major mistakes: using the ...
The title of today’s column could just as easily have been, “Muddy Marches in March” or “Weekday Hike, Sunday Walk” or ...
With walking workouts on the rise, I decided to walk 2,000 steps without setting foot outdoors, and surprised myself by how ...
Walking helps older adults boost both their physical and mental health, and the Bay Area offers widespread accessible trails.
To utilize the Salina Family YMCA day pass, Walk Kansas participants must present proof of their Walk Kansas registration and ...
A leading fitness expert reveals four common walking mistakes that contribute to poor posture, joint pain, limited mobility ...
About 20 people die every day in the U.S. after being hit by a car. To make walking safer, we need a big cultural shift in ...
When it comes to successful weight loss and weight management, fitness and diet go hand in hand. Simpson told PEOPLE that, after having her third child, she assumed healthier eating habits. "I am ...
If you're bored with the 30- to 45-minute routine you've developed on the treadmill, stationary bike, rower or elliptical, ...
If you're looking to view your progress in miles, 10,000 steps is about 5 miles. However, the distance you reach in 10,000 ...