The Zoo welcomed the birth of a sloth pup in early February, making it the first of its species to be born there since 2022.
Se acerca la primavera y una señal segura de la temporada son los nuevos bebés del Zoológico de San Diego que se aventuran ...
The San Diego Zoo welcomed a newborn Linné’s two-toed sloth on Feb. 8, the first of its kind to be born at the zoo since June ...
The Zoo will be celebrating National Panda Day on March 16. and the first 2,000 kids (ages 11 and under) who visit Denny ...
Remote cameras were deployed in the Arctic mountains across nearly a decade; Valuable footage of moms and cubs emerging from ...
Scientists combined satellite collars and cameras to study polar bear denning, showing how cubs adapt before leaving.
Polar bear cubs are born about as helpless as human babies ... The study was conducted with researchers from Polar Bears ...
Polar bear cubs are born about as helpless as human babies ... The study was conducted with researchers from Polar Bears ...
Past research has shown that how long polar bear mothers remain at their dens impacts cubs ... The study included researchers ...
Past research has established that polar bear cubs’ odds of survival are impacted by how long their mothers spend denning.
Past research has established that polar bear cubs’ odds of survival are impacted by how long their mothers spend denning.
The remote cameras have captured the moment a mother pokes her head out from her den to see if the world is safe enough for her little ones.