O cálcio não somente cuida da saúde dos ossos e dos dentes, como auxilia a contração muscular, a frequência cardíaca e a coagulação sanguínea ...
Justiça britânica julgará ação movida por comunidades quilombolas contra a Brazil Iron, mineradora inglesa com operações no interior da Bahia ...
However, many individuals fail to obtain enough minerals from their diet alone, making mineral supplements a quintessential addition. When it comes to choosing the best mineral supplement ...
Combinando saúde, tecnologia e estilo, a Água A chega para transformar a experiência de consumo de água mineral. Seja para hidratar após o treino, acompanhar momentos de lazer ou refrescar durante ...
According to the text, Ukraine will contribute 50% of future proceeds from state-owned mineral resources, oil and gas to the fund, and the fund will then invest "to promote the safety, security ...
Primavera em Yorkshire, no Reino Unido: um jovem fazendeiro de ovelhas prefere se isolar e entorpecer suas frustrações diárias com bebedeiras e sexo casual. Porém, a chegada de um trabalhador ...
"Se concordarmos em assinar o pacto mineral, estamos prontos para fazê-lo. O acordo que está sobre a mesa será assinado se as partes estiverem prontas", garantiu. Acerca do plano de paz ...
Ukraine was expected to sign the deal - which would grant the US access to Ukraine's rare mineral reserves - during Zelensky's visit to Washington, but the Ukrainian delegation ultimately left ...
DETROIT — The United States will have access to Ukraine's critical mineral wealth, including key ingredients for the clean energy transition, under a deal the two countries are expected to sign ...
Ukraine and the U.S. have reached an agreement on a framework for a broad economic deal that would include access to Ukraine's mineral resources, three senior Ukrainian officials said Tuesday.
The final details remain undisclosed, but a draft agreement reviewed by officials indicates that Ukraine would contribute a significant portion of its mineral revenue to a US-controlled fund. Editor’s ...
According to the agreement, Kyiv would hand some of the revenue from its mineral resources to the United States, but it has received no U.S. security guarantees in return. Ukrainian President ...