[1] In this article, we discuss one recent rule and two proposed rules under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) that may be headed to the waste bin. Coal Combustion Residuals.
RCRA is the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, which regulates hazardous waste. The landfill accepts industrial waste like contaminated soils, acids, and dust, as well as waste generated ...
Technology to treat produced water has advanced. But critics warn against relaxing protections for disposal “of what is very ...
RCRA is the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, which regulates hazardous waste. The landfill accepts industrial waste like contaminated soils, acids and dust, as well as waste generated by ...
“EPA typically does not list sites on the Superfund National Priorities List if they are being addressed under the RCRA hazardous waste program,” Molly Vaseliou, the spokesperson, said.
The agency temporarily required the landfill to stop disposing of hazardous waste on site, a process that has since restarted. “We identified significant noncompliance at Max,” said Jeanna Henry, ...
Five-year waste review: A recycled promise of safety The second report ... DOE must submit quarterly reports on OSWDF conditions and meet strict environmental guidelines under RCRA, CERCLA, and Ohio ...
The U.S. EPA and DOJ said Stericycle lost track of hazardous waste shipments or failed to document them for years, until the business unit was sold in 2020. It could be one of the largest civil ...
DOE-NNSA Los Alamos Field Office Manager Ted Wyka, pictured here at prior Council update. Photo by Maire ...
In what should be welcome news to industry and others who generate hazardous waste in California (including contaminated soil), the ...
Mar. 6, 2025 — Sweden's radioactive nuclear waste will be stored in a sealed bedrock repository for 100,000 years. It will be hazardous for a very long time. So how can we ensure that humanity ...