My parents and grandparents had survived a hundred years of brutal colonialism and cultural erasure by Imperial Japan. They ...
Poet and writer Dana Gioia, a former California Poet Laureate who served as chairman of the National Endowment for the ...
"Root travel" has Americans digging up their family trees and planning vacations centered on their ancestry. Travel experts ...
A poem found in an old desk at the Barnstable transfer station turned up a story that crosses time and distance. Was it fated ...
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. explores the family trees of celebrity chefs José Andrés & Sean Sherman—two men who have combined culinary skills with profound humanitarian goals. Traveling from small ...
“It is always interesting to dive deeper into the family history. It’s a wonderful way to connect with those roots and get the help to connect directly with those roots,” Asselin sai ...
Raye’s parents, Sarah Keen and Paul Keen raised Raye alongside her three siblings. She once mentioned that music runs in her family, and her parents raised her within the church. I grew up in the ...
RootsTech is a three-day global online and in-person family history conference hosted by FamilySearch and sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and other leading genealogy ...
Educator and family coach, Amy Williams, shared how to create a family poem (created by Alice Lovelace)! For more information about Amy, click here. To learn more about Amy's books, click here.
Anecdotes of visitors tracing their roots are not hard to find. From purchasing family tartans to scattering loved ones' ashes, the emotional connections are real. One recent tale told by Tom ...
"My grandparents came here in 1906," Day said. "My family moved here from Culpepper Virginia in like 1918, 1920," Shelton said. The stories of those families, which first arrived to Caledonia ...