Laupäeva õhtul kell 21.51 teavitati häirekeskust, et Pirital Supluse puiesteel on tulekahju kolme korruselise elumaja teise ...
Laupäeva õhtul kell 21.51 teavitati häirekeskust, et Pirital Supluse puiesteel on tulekahju kolme korruselise elumaja teise ...
A total of 10,807 entries were received by Vikerraadio in Estonia's 18th Native Language Day live e-dictation contest Friday morning, coming in just short of the previous two years' participation ...
The map below shows the location of Tallinn and Houston. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between ...
This will make it easier for Viimsi residents to switch to public transport within their municipality, without first needing to drive to Pirita. Tallinn Mayor Jevgeni Ossinovski (SDE) emphasized the ...