Tomáš Macháč's Australian Open has come to an ... The talented Czech fought valiantly but was no match for the 10-time Melbourne Park champion. Although Macháč won't progress at this year's ...
Český tenista Tomáš Macháč nejspíš definitivně potvrdil to, o čem se dlouho šuškalo. Olympijský vítěz z Paříže ukázal na ...
Po grandslamovém Australian Open se mužská tenisová elita vrhne do kvalifikace Davisova poháru. Český tým vedený novým kapitánem Tomášem Berdychem hostí v Ostravě reprezentaci Jižní Koreje a pokusí se ...
the man who has won at Melbourne Park more than anyone in the history of the Australian Open, also fought fire with fire. Tomáš Macháč put up a valiant fight against Novak Djokovic at Rod ...
6-4 victory over Czech 26th seed Tomáš Macháč. The win marks Djokovic's 17th appearance in the tournament's fourth round, underscoring his status as a 10-time champion in Melbourne.