S’il y a bien un jeu vidéo qui fait le bonheur de Microsoft et Xbox en ce moment, c’est bien sûr Call of Duty : Black Ops 6.
Instead, this controller’s defining feature is its full-colour screen, perched where the touchpad is on a PS4 and PS5 ...
La récente victoire de Donald Trump face à Kamala Harris, lors des présidentielles américaines, réveille diverses craintes du côté des gamers. Le 45e et désormais 47e président des Etats-Unis a par le ...
If you wanted to see what happened to Gordon and Alyx next, you were in luck, as it also boasted both Half-Life 2: Episode 1 ...
Fate: Reawakened is a full remaster of all four original Fate classic action RPGs, including the sequels Undiscovered Realms, The Traitor Soul, and The Cursed King.
Even as Microsoft advertises that numerous devices are really Xbox, Microsoft Gaming's CEO insists more consoles are coming.
Publishers gamigo and WildTangent, and developers gamigo and Tableflip Entertainment will release action RPG collection FATE: ...