Most teenagers are looking forward to getting behind the wheel and learning how to drive. With both hands on the yolk, ...
Every year, thousands of kids and adults learn to fold and fly paper airplanes at both the National Mall building and the ...
Type Rating: Buffett holds a type rating for the Citation 500 series, which indicates that he completed the rigorous training ...
To learn to fly a military helicopter is to take a master class in multitasking. You need both hands and both feet to control the aircraft while keeping a close eye on the horizon and your altitude.
Next year, pilots will fly an aircraft around the world that is powered by four electric motors and 11,000 solar cells on its wings. “E-mobility,” said Ohlmann, “starts now.” ...
Keep that in mind when your flight review is coming due. The Sporty's Learn to Fly courses include more than 25 hours of HD and 4K video, along with test prep tools, comprehensive document library ...