The key chemical and biological weapons believed to have been stockpiled by Iraq can cause agonising death in the smallest doses. They are as follows: ANTHRAX: An acute infectious disease caused ...
“Insects create the biological foundation of our ecosystem, in which they play a crucial role,” writes Danke. “They aerate the soil, pollinate blossoms and recycle nutrients back into the soi ...
Powerful new models, combined with novel lab tools, could make it much easier to develop killer viruses. The world should ...
Russia has revisited accusations that Washington was violating international treaties on the prohibition of chemical and biological weapons, the latest in a series of unsubstantiated claims by ...
A Mississippi State biologist has discovered a new parasitic wasp species that uniquely targets adult flies, a scientific ...
What it tells us about the past: This prehistoric carving, discovered inside a cave in France, depicts a steppe wisent (Bison priscus), a now-extinct species of bison. It was crafted from a piece ...
If you’ve ever witnessed a spider climb out of your bathtub drain or chucked a particularly creepy crawly down the toilet in a moment of panic, you may have wondered if insects are capable of ...
Where were the dull thwacks of flying insects bumping against the lightbulb? Even the tuneless orchestra of cicadas or crickets, whichever they were (no one was quite sure), had stilled its ...
This is a collection of photos chosen by AP photo editors.
The Japanese conducted brutal biological warfare experiments in World War II; both the U.S. and the Soviet Union stockpiled ...
For as deadly as the coronavirus pandemic was, the next one could be more nightmarish. Powerful new artificial-intelligence models, combined with novel lab tools, could soon enable rogue ...