COURTNEY LAPLANTE: I was your age equivalent when ... GUNN: You don’t want to take up space or be, in air quotes, “difficult.” LAPLANTE: Just imagine when you step out onstage [for the ...
Hailing from a sea-level Canadian island, Spiritbox singer wakes up every day hoping it won't be swallowed up by the ocean ...
And if you’re in the camp that shit’s too clean these days, then you’re in the same camp as Spiritbox vocalist Courtney ...
Gojira performing "Mea Culpa (Ah! Ça Ira!)" at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games opening ceremony was hands down one of the biggest moments metal has ever had in the mainstream. But was it the biggest?
Spiritbox vocalist Courtney LaPlante has revealed what went through her head when she was confused for Poppy during an interview at the Grammy Awards. At the Los Angeles ceremony on February 2 ...
Spiritbox are on their way back with Tsunami Sea, and while it may be a metal album, it's really a culmination of the band's varied influence, something that singer Courtney LaPlante and guitarist ...
Courtney LaPlante says she wants to collaborate or tour with Poppy after being mistaken for the singer at the Grammy Awards. The Spiritbox frontwoman played along and pretended she was the ...