Two candidates being considered to replace Montana Tech Chancellor Les Cook, who retires in June, will be on campus next week, and the public has a chance to meet them.
NevGold is an exploration and development company targeting large-scale mineral systems in the proven districts of Nevada and ...
While South Dakota and Utah's badlands might be better known, New Mexico's colorful rock formations and remote badland ...
The news comes after the first ever CWD case on an elk feedground was discovered in Scab Creek in December, south of Pinedale ...
BUTTE — For a dozen years, the Empty Bowls fundraiser has offered beautiful, handcrafted bowls to help feed Butte’s children. “Butte’s always amazing. It’s a community that gives, and it gives, and it ...
He returned to Butte when his father was terminally ill with cancer, enrolled at the Montana School of Mines, earned a geological engineering degree in 1961 “and alas went to work in the ...
Just days after Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Chairman Ryman LeBeau addressed the federal subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies in Washington, D.C., to request funding increases for ...
Our scientists study the Earth, and other planets, on scales from the molecular to the planetary scale; from the microsecond to the geological time scale; and from its birth about 4500 million years ...
Structural geology is the study of the deformation of the surface and subsurface of the Earth and other planetary bodies. This deformation reflects past changes in local and regional stress and ...
A California committee that considers changes to geographic names has deferred for a second time consideration of a request to change the name of the Sutter Buttes. A few clouds. Low 38F.
BOZEMAN, Mont. – Students from across Montana gathered Tuesday at Montana State University for the annual Science Olympiad, a competition that brings together young minds to showcase their skills in ...
Bell Geospace is collecting information for geological maps during flights that will be 200m high. Reaching the geothermal energy far beneath our feet will require digging further into the Earth's ...