Dear Heloise: An old broom can be used to “corral” rolls of tape. Love your column! -- Ann G., via email Ann, I love to repurpose items when I can. I had an old broom handle that I mounted on ...
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A man in Ontario is taking one last whack at making and selling corn brooms for curling. It’s a small thing, and a tiny trade. The pulse of a once-booming industry can now be measured by the 20 ...
Bobby Broom was born in Harlem, New York, on January 18, 1961, and raised on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. He began studying the guitar at age 12, concentrating on jazz under the aegis of Harlem-based ...
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But with so many options—scrapers, brushes, and even extendable snow brooms—choosing the right one isn’t always straightforward. That’s where we come in. We’ve tested a range of ice ...
Replacing brooms as they wear out is, with tires, the most-common maintenance task contract sweepers handle. Primary replacement options are one-piece tube brooms, flat or convoluted wafers ...