Analysis of samples brought back to Earth from the asteroid Bennu reveal that it has a bizarre chemical make-up and is ...
Studies of rocks and dust collected from Bennu, an asteroid orbiting Earth, have revealed clues about how life may have first formed on Earth. A NASA mission collected the sample and brought it ...
Bennu, a rocky object classified as a near-Earth asteroid, has a one-in-2,700 chance of colliding with the Earth in September 2182, new research has discovered. The IBS Center for Climate Physics ...
Scientists poring over a sample brought back from the asteroid Bennu have detected amino acids and complex mineral compounds, some of which have never been found in space rocks. A team at the ...
(THE CONVERSATION) A bright fireball streaked across the sky above mountains, glaciers and spruce forest near the town of Revelstoke in British Columbia, Canada, on the evening of March 31, 1965.
A sample of dust and rocks from an asteroid just took us closer to an answer. Collected from Bennu, a space rock shaped like a spinning top, as it soared by Earth roughly five years ago, the samples ...
Mineral rich SEM images of trona (water-bearing sodium carbonate) found in Bennu samples. The needles form a vein through surrounding clay-rich rock, with small pieces of rock resting on top of the ...
Bennu was the target for NASA's OSIRIS-REx asteroid sampling mission, which touched down briefly on the space rock in October 2020 to gather over 4 ounces of material, and then brought that sample ...
Bennu — a rubble pile just one-third of a mile (one-half of a kilometer) across — was originally part of a much larger asteroid that got clobbered by other space rocks. The latest results ...
While the odds of Bennu impacting Earth may sound alarming, they're not entirely unexpected. "On average, medium-sized asteroids collide with Earth about every 100–200 thousand years.