Discover 8 unforgettable Dungeons & Dragons characters with unique traits and epic potential for Netflix’s TV adaptation.
It’s taken a while, but 'Mecha Break' is finally getting into its stride, with an open beta for Xbox and PC starting later this month.
Director Patty Gallagher said Santa Cruz has a strong relationship with the play, which was performed four times by ...
In 2024, the Lancaster Shakespeare Theatre presented its first play that wasn’t written, or inspired, by William Shakespeare.
The subclass presented in DnD’s latest playtest is an uninspiring rehash of old ideas that adds very little to the core Bard ...
Carden says the shipwreck the monster is seen sitting on was designed by Stuart Williamson, and was the perfect foundation ...
Want to know about new Genshin Impact characters? During each new update, there’s usually at least one brand-new playable character introduced to the roster. They typically appear on event ...
Previously, Alex served as a… Character.AI, a startup that allows users to chat with different AI-powered characters, resorted to another way to increase engagement for its already robust user base – ...
Character AI, a platform that lets users engage in roleplay with AI chatbots, has filed a motion to dismiss a case brought against it by the parent of a teen who committed suicide after allegedly ...