This week marks the five-year anniversary of the COVID-19 lockdown. Mostly, life has returned to normal. But in some ways we ...
To quote Will Ferrell’s character in the original “Anchorman” movie, “Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand […] ...
I pray to Maa Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati that if we have fallen short in our worship, please forgive us. If we have fallen short in serving the devotees, who are God to me, I seek forgiveness ...
Originally named Amenhotep IV, he changed his name to Akhenaten to honor the sun god Aten. His religious reforms, promoting monotheistic worship of Aten, were short-lived. After his reign from 1349 to ...
Within years of ascending the throne, he turned away from traditional Egyptian polytheism to the worship of a single god: The Aten. Was this an early form of monotheism? What time does the Super ...