The animated short "An Almost Christmas Story" completes Alfonso Cuaron's trifecta of Christmas stories. This time, he turned ...
Martin Short is returning home to Studio 8H, but don't expect him to take it easy on the current 'Saturday Night Live' cast.
A new Tom and Jerry movie is in development at Warner Bros. Pictures Animation, with Boston Public and The Office star ...
The Academy announced the shortlisted films for the Oscars in the categories of Best Live Action Short and Best Animated ...
This Oscar eligible short film The 21 chronicles the kidnapping, torture and ultimate martyrdom of 20 Coptic men and one ...
In this installment, we’re looking at La Perra (The Bitch) from Colombian filmmaker Carla Melo Gampert. The short earned its ...
Barbershops and salons are "one of the last spaces in modern society that nurtures face-to-face connections, allowing people to bond on a basic human level," says director Jumai Yusuf about the ...
The ‘Greatest Showman’ and ‘Better Man’ filmmaker is in negotiations to handle the new version of the ‘Rapunzel’-based movie.
The short film Hurikán, directed by Jan Saska, which tells a romance set in the streets of one peculiar Prague's district, ...
Carla Melo's watercolor animated short is a strong contender in this year's animated short Oscar race, having competed at ...
Samoan-American comedian, actor, writer, and producer Anette Arinix Aga has won the ‘OHINA Greenlight Award for her script of “Kamaʻāina Not Kanaka,” granting her $20,000-worth of production support ...