Altès – also known as Monel Felix, Alfred Mones, "Mikanò" and "King Micanor" – took "advice from a voodoo priest", who ...
Almost 200 people were butchered in Haiti last weekend after a gang leader was incited by a voodoo priest. Volker Turk, human ...
More than 180 people were recently killed in Haiti after a gang targeted people they suspected of practicing voodoo and witchcraft.
If you think we have a migrant crisis, try living in the Dominican Republic, which has become so inundated with Haitian ...
Doctors Without Borders announced on Wednesday that it would partly restart its work in Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, ...
A gang leader in a suburb of Haiti’s capital had a son who was sick. The man believed voodoo curses were being placed on the ...
The bishops of Haiti denounced the “dehumanizing violence” that has plagued the country since the beginning of 2024.
Gunmen in Haiti killed nine people in the latest spasm of violence by the Caribbean nation's powerful gangs, a community ...
A human rights lawyer says deportations are indefensible, and the US must stop bolstering Haiti’s undemocratic parties.
Around 180 people were killed in Haiti's Cite Soleil area over the weekend, according to Haiti's prime minister's office in a ...
At least 180 people, mostly elderly, have been killed by gang members in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince after a gang ...
As Haiti spirals deeper into crisis, gang violence killed nearly 200 people over the weekend. This takes the death toll in ...