This research line aims to study food (as a transversal item), nutrition and gastronomy from biosocial perspectives linked to the digital world. It is interested in changes in eating habits and food ...
The Joan Miró International Research Group will open new lines of study on the work of Miró and the world around him. It is formed by internationally recognised Miró academicians, with the support of ...
An institution's educational model is the foundation on which its organization and services are based, as the pedagogical model implemented (face-to-face, online or hybrid) will define the type of ...
Digital transformation in higher education is key for dealing with the new paradigm of highly digitalized societies. Higher education institutions must therefore rethink their educational, ...
Rethinking the educational model from a digitalization point of view encourages institutions to make changes to their processes so they can have a positive direct and indirect impact on the ...
Las siglas son abreviaciones de denominaciones formadas por más de una palabra. Una sigla generalmente se forma a partir de las iniciales absolutas de las palabras principales de la denominación que ...
Els models de documents, com a propis de l'activitat institucional, responen a criteris de formalitat i funcionalitat, i utilitzen la llengua estàndard i una fraseologia i un vocabulari propis. S'ha ...
La automatización de las administraciones públicas y los retos de la inteligencia artificial para el derecho administrativo La administración automatizada se caracteriza por ser una actividad que se ...
La UOC se crea por impulso del Gobierno de la Generalitat de Cataluña para prestar un servicio de enseñanza universitaria no presencial en catalán. Para dar respuesta a esta iniciativa, se constituye ...
La singularitat del nostre model educatiu en línia fa que els nostres graduats adquireixin les competències digitals imprescindibles en la nostra societat. Amb tot, la nostra prioritat és formar ...