If you have an urgent need, you are welcome to visit Universitetstandvården (the University Dental Clinic). You can either be treated by a student or a licenced dentist. Call to book an appointment.
Our research focuses on promoting communities and individuals' health, inclusion, and social justice. We want to contribute with knowledge on everyday activities as means and goals for developing and ...
Addition of hypofractionated high dose radiation in oligometastatic disease - An open label randomized phase III trial comparing up-front radiation in oligometastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC ...
The wire is glued to the back of your front teeth. The floss is a long-term retention that is meant to stay in place indefinitely. It is therefore important to brush and clean carefully around the ...
These are the questions that drive our research. Our overall aim is to identify resistance factors that limit the effecicay of chemotherapy or immunotherapy, develop new treatment strategies that ...
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 CPF Jayaram/Hammarberg, 171 77 Stockholm ...
1) En grupp personer som utgör ett råd har som huvudsaklig uppgift att ge råd till en befattningshavare eller ett organ. Det finns ingen generell regel hur ett råd ska vara sammansatt. Men vanligtvis ...
Här finns det möjlighet för skolklasser i grundskolan och gymnasiet att träffa forskare, testa enkel laboratorieutrustning och lära sig grunderna i medicinsk forskning. Programmet i "Allmänhetens rum" ...