Iron Age in Tamil Nadu may have begun around 3,345 BCE, a thousand years earlier than previously believed, new carbon dating from burial urns in Sivagalai reveals. This challenges the notion that the ...
A scientific study with important implications for archaeology in Britain and France was published last week. Using ancient DNA analysis and ...
A scientific study with important implications for archaeology in Britain and France was published last week. Using ancient DNA analysis and testing, a team led by Dr Lara Cassidy and Professor Daniel ...
New DNA analysis reveals women's central role in Iron Age Britain, uncovering a matrilineal society that shaped social and political power.
Scientists at deCODE genetics/Amgen have constructed a complete map of how human DNA is mixed as it is passed down during reproduction.
CHRISTINA LARSON / AP Female family ties were at the heart of social networks in Celtic society in Britain before the Roman invasion, a new analysis suggests.Genetic evidence from a late Iron Age ...
Iron Maiden have written songs about dinosaurs, the Second World War and many, many things in between. So, here’s the history of Planet Earth as told through the metal legends’ lyrics.
Researchers at deCODE genetics have developed a groundbreaking DNA map, revealing the intricate process of genetic recombination during reproduction. This map highlights areas of DNA that undergo ...