Sweet peas are annual climbers with unbeatable fragrance. Discover our best sweet pea varieties and tips for how to grow them ...
While some are celebrating St Patrick's Day by wearing green and enjoying the craic and a Guinness at the pub, gardeners will ...
Sweet peas have an irresistible perfume and every winter garden should have these wonderful scented, free flowering varieties. If sown this month, sweet peas should start coming into flower in June.
Sweet peas add a pop of colour to any garden - and Monty Don has reminded gardeners of the best time to begin growing them ...
Most are climbers, which can be trained up teepees of canes, but you can also buy dwarf varieties for pots and baskets. It's best to sow the seeds in October for planting the following spring, but you ...
The beginning of March is a good time to do some pruning and garden cleanup as well as add some hardy perennials to the landscape. Cool season crops such as peas and sweet peas can be started indoors ...
There are many varieties available but go for the pack of seeds that states they are strongly or very fragrant ...
Planting Edmonds is a monthly column by and for local gardeners. Have you ever wondered how to create a garden that engages ...
At the Sweet Pea Baking Company on Sound Beach Avenue in Old Greenwich ... Several core violations were also written up for ...