NEW DELHI: The month of February was hectic for the Indian Special Forces (SF) as troops carried out training exercises in multiple theatres, desert and mountains, at the joint tri-services and ...
A picture taken during selection training for Air Force Special Tactics Officers captures the intensity of underwater ...
Yet he remains cold and dispassionate when talking about the numerous Russians he has “liquidated” during Special Forces operations deep behind enemy lines. Welcome to the world of call-sign ...
The Army wants to cut down on redundant and excess equipment that its soldiers carry into battle, hoping that none carry more ...
Special operations forces have a fast and flexible weapons acquisition process. It's critical to keeping operators ahead of the curve on what capabilities are needed. There are lessons for the ...
CALGARY - Police forces say they are gearing up to find a way to keep more than 3,400 people safe alongside the Rocky Mountains during this summer’s G7 Summit in Kananaskis, Alta. A report to ...
FORT BRAGG — A new $43 million Human Performance-Force Generation Training Center used by special operation forces students and instructors is the latest addition to the John F. Kennedy Special ...