Well maintained farms of 10 or more acres are quite few and far between. Many large families engaged in small-scale agriculture still share housing with goats, chicken, and harvested crops.
I am married with three kids aged between four and six. My wife runs a small-scale cereals shop for grains and a variety of flours. This shop makes a net profit of Sh15,000 per month. Together ...
The Executive Director of the Centre for Extractives and Development, Samuel Osei Bekoe, has revealed that over three million people are involved in illegal mining, commonly known as galamsey in ...
MOSCOW, March 4 (Reuters) - Russia and Myanmar signed an agreement on Tuesday on construction of a small-scale nuclear plant in Myanmar after talks in Moscow between Russian President Vladimir ...
The Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme was developed to assist with the cost of residential and commercial solar installations under 100kW. The Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme is a part of ...