The Rose Art Museum is committed to maintaining a respectful ... please email inquiries and requests to [email protected]. Two Brandeis students co-lead 45-minute participatory tours, ...
Brandeis alumni, along with friends of the museum from across the globe, are now giving back to the Rose in honor of its 60th anniversary with new works of art that will inspire the next generation of ...
Most days, a little-known 19 th-century portrait of Abraham Lincoln by Solomon Nunes Carvalho (1815-1895) is tucked away in archival storage at Brandeis University’s Rose Art Museum. But on ...
At the Rose Art Museum at Brandeis University, “Hugh Hayden: Home Work” showcases the artist’s bleak, affecting world view. A rising star just in his late 30s — he’ll have a piece ...
See a horror play from the Globe’s Miss Conduct, sculpt clay creatures, and cringe at your old teen angst.
Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University Waltham, MA; Tel Aviv Museum of Art; Rosenberg Gallery, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY; FLORA ars+natura, Bogotá; Rosenfeld ...