Representative Samuel Azzinaro wants to boost the publish records search fee from $15 to $25. Advocates of an Access to ...
The Utah Legislature passed bills during its 45-day general session that will make it more difficult and expensive for Utahns ...
The lawsuit argues that the city and Bausch violated the California Public Records Act by failing to properly search for and ...
Officials often try to hide embarrassing information, so journalists and watchdog groups rely on sunshine laws, such as the ...
Under House Bill 520, police could withhold records by stating that releasing records could pose a risk of harm.
Bausch has refused to release records from his personal devices and accounts related to Ty Lewis’ conspiracy allegations.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel utilizes open records laws to uncover important information and hold officials accountable. Citizens can ask the Journal Sentinel to host public records training ...
In the Advanced Records Center (ARC) section of the New Laws series from Best Best & Krieger LLP (BBK), new legislation related to the ...
A settlement has been reached in a lawsuit between the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office and a man who was publicly ...
PARKERSBURG, W.Va. (WTAP) - A new online court records system is live in West Virginia. On Monday, the Supreme Court of ...
Perry communicated with at least two people in Pennsylvania about the fake electors plan, the warrant application says.
Assad's forces detained mothers and children and sent many of the youth to orphanages. Syrians whose children vanished during ...