Beep Beep! Mighty Machines are everywhere on Play School! Put on your hard hat and grab your high vis vest, it's time to explore machines that move, float, fly, dig, mix, clean or build! ABC iview ...
Hitch and The Place Beyond The Pines actor Eva Mendes has entered the world of Bluey multiple times. Notably, she appeared in ...
Two pilots chosen from the Screen Australia Fresh Blood initiative will premiere on ABC iview on 9 April, 2025. Urvi Went to an All Girls School and Westerners are two different TV shows selected from ...
A “Magic” school bus of sorts is bringing experiences to children who wouldn’t otherwise have those opportunities.
Williams grew up selling fruit and veg at her mum and dad's produce shop.  She was the first in her family to finish high ...
YouTube won’t be included in Australia’s under-16 social media ban. Meta, TikTok and Snapchat aren’t too happy about this, and have now submitted official responses to the Australian government. We ...
A production partly aimed at students that highlights Tampa’s history in the civil rights movement lands at a time when the ...
Fidalgo Elementary School's upcoming play, "Alice in Wonderland," is prepared to transport its audience into a mind-bending ...
One Bronx principal turned around a failing school with a new program that included a podcast and TV studio. At Exploration and Discovery at P.S. 224, the principal and ...
Language is the foundation block of learning in school. Children need help to learn ... produce clear speech develop socially – have conversations, play with others make progress in literacy ...
“It looks like play, but it is all purposeful,” said Raffler. “Kids learn through play, so it’s just a lot of fun.” Parents ...