A new classification scheme may help us better understand planet formation — including the history of our own family of worlds.
Scientists found a bizarre new planet named Enaiposha, unlike any in our solar system. Learn why it's a mystery and how it’s ...
Young, close-orbiting exoplanets known as sub-Neptunes may form farther from their stars and migrate inward or lose their ...
The relative quantities of volatile gases like methane and ethane can reveal key details about distant Kuiper Belt objects.
Many protoplanetary disks in which new planets are formed are much smaller than thought. Using the Atacama Large ...
The NEO Surveyor fulfills a 2005 act of Congress ordering NASA to catalog 90% of near-Earth objects larger than 459 feet (140 ...
Scientists estimate there are ~1 septillion (1 followed by 24 zeros) planets in the observable universe. This figure is based ...
The Kuiper Belt is a region in space beyond the orbit of Neptune that's home to Pluto and most of the known dwarf planets, as well as some comets that are thought to be relics of the solar system ...
The solar system was packed with 50 to 100 protoplanets billions of years ago. Not all of them lived to tell the tale of the ...
For the better part of a century, we believed there were nine planets in our solar system, with Pluto being the farthest from ...
Even though Venus moves between the Earth and sun every 19.5 months, it becomes visible after sunset and before sunrise only ...
Astronomers have captured direct images of exoplanets in a star system 130 light years away, providing clues on gas giant ...