These mysterious whitish-gray glows in the northern lights might be cousins of the mauve light streak known as STEVE.
In the age of the LED light bulb, consumers have an unfathomable range of lighting options. This has, perversely, made the ...
Schenectady County, in 2023, completed a project to convert 381 streetlights to LEDs, a move that the county at the time said ...
The piece is made from 9,000 strands of yarn, in 11 colors, spread across a 40-by-40-foot grid. But somehow, they sway ...
A Yale-led team of astronomers has detected an intensely brightening and dimming quasar that may help explain how some ...
RGB backlit TVs are coming, and you're going to hear a lot about them in the next few years. They're the next big development ...