Vehicle owners could lose their No Claim Discount (NCD) in accidents, which adds on to their financial burden when they renew their vehicle insurance the following year. Fortunately, there is an ...
Tata Motors’ board approved issuance of Rated, Listed, Unsecured, Fixed Coupon Redeemable, Non Convertible Debentures (NCDs) on a private placement basis to eligible investors. The company will ...
He knew he would be losing his New Claim Discount (NCD) as he was involved in a hit-and-run crash. “I was just about to renew my insurance a week later, and then I got caught in this.
Nisus Finance had invested ₹105 crore in Senior Secured Rated Listed Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs) issued by Suvita Real Estate in January 2024. These NCDs were listed on the wholesale debt ...
These conditions combined have an estimated global prevalence of 45%, which is higher than the prevalence of any other NCD. However, oral diseases and conditions share risk factors common to the ...
The drugmaker says it is the first programme of its kind in the world and will help the Kenyan government meet its objective of improving the management of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which ...
Prevention and treatment services for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) alone have been severely disrupted since the pandemic began, and the World Health Organization predicts a long-term upsurge ...
Vehicle owners could lose their No Claim Discount (NCD) in accidents, which adds on to their financial burden when they renew their vehicle insurance the following year. Fortunately, there is an ...
The NCDs will be issued at a coupon of 7.26% per annum for a tenor of 15 years, maturing on March 20, 2040, it said on Tuesday. "This is the first issue of debentures under the above mentioned ...
Dhanlaxmi Bank: The bank approved to raise funds up to Rs 150 crore via NCDs on private placement basis. Can Fin Homes: Apurav Agarwal resigned as the chief executive officer due to personal reasons.
Bajaj Finance (+0.57%) raised Rs542.74 crore through the allotment of 5,450 non-convertible debentures (NCDs), at face value of Rs10 lakh each on private placement basis. The Debentures are proposed ...