The sum works out as £204,000 per hour, £3,407 a minute and £56.78 for every second he spent providing the services. It must ...
photo-sharing, content back-up and other applications. - Reliance Communications on Nov 27 introduced one paise per SMS for both GSM and CDMA customers, triggering a war of tariffs on data ...
Eng. Yousif Ahmed Al Ali: “We recognise the invaluable contributions of our strategic partners and remain committed to fostering sustainable partnerships built on innovation and long-term vision.” ...
With 2,600 staff representing 100 different nationalities, AFP covers the world in six languages, with a unique quality of multimedia storytelling spanning video, text, photos and graphics.
Hugh Grosvenor is the 7 th Duke of Westminster, only son of Natalia and the late Gerald Grosvenor, 6 th Duke of Westminster. He inherited the dukedom, the £10 billion fortune and the family's ...
Become a part of one of the friendliest photo sharing communities online. Share your photos to show-off, improve and discuss your photography, as well as get free critique on your photography.
At least 59 killed and more than 100 injured after a huge fire rips through a nightclub in the eastern town of Kocani.