Functional skills qualifications are now an optional requirement for employers of adult apprentices, but their importance has ...
People have long believed that cognitive skills begin to slowly decline after your thirties, but a new study found that our ...
New research has provided us with a better idea of when our cognitive skills peak and it's much older than you'd expect.
The basic literacy and numeracy assessment test, held under the Ullas Navbharat Saksharata Karykram in Thane, Maharashtra, ...
935 non-literate candidates (aged above 15 years) from 70 registered training facilities in the twin-city appeared for the ...
When a child reads fluently, they access worlds of knowledge, build critical thinking skills, and prepare to contribute ...
“In response to the Department of Education’s requirement to introduce interim arrangements to assess system-wide performance ...
MAKATI Mayor Abby Binay said Sunday that the education sector should concentrate more on fostering students' foundational ...
Are you cognitively over the hill by 40? Not according to a new Stanford study looking into when intelligence peaks.
For years, it’s been widely believed that cognitive skills decline as early as our 30s. However, a new study published in ...