Emphasizing virtue as the foundation of true joy, Jeffrey Rosen — president and CEO of the National Constitution Center — ...
BYU also announced a new speaker to fill the TBA slot in its winter semester forum lineup on Feb. 25. He is the second ...
"As I spend time listening to and reading President Nelson’s words, the Spirit confirms to me the reality of his prophetic role and his witness of the Savior," writes Sydney Walker.
Jonathan Rauch, a Brookings Institution senior fellow and national expert on public policy, says American Christianity needs ...
Raised by an amazing, hard working single mother, I learned firsthand the importance of having women of covenant leadership in my life and in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
As disciples of Christ, we are His ensign,” Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles told Brigham Young ...