Whales do more than just swim the seas—they power the ocean's ecosystem. By transporting nutrients from deep waters to the ...
Two Russian divers were reported missing off a popular resort in Batangas province in February. The following day, news reports said they were found dead and were attacked by sharks. Later, autopsy ...
The west Antarctic Peninsula experiences a higher warming rate than the global average and has seen unprecedented heat waves and losses in sea ice in the past decades, with large regional variability.
New research reignites debate over the size of this extinct giant, also suggesting it looked unlike a great white ...
Whale pee and other bi-products play a vital role in ocean ecosystems. Find out how they transport nutrients across the seas.
When people at the beach in Puducherry noticed the sea turning red recently, it raised safety concerns and prompted official ...
Studying coral reefs used to mean hours of grueling manual analysis, but artificial intelligence is changing the game. A new ...
But whales and other marine mammals like seals also help in ... and many have coral reef ecosystems,” said Roman. “The movement of nitrogen and other nutrients can be important to the growth ...
Bigelow Laboratory scientists have advanced an exciting method for linking the activity of individual microbes to their ...
New research has shown that whales ferry substantial quantities of nutrients for thousands of miles in their urine and other ...
A tidal wave of concerns have been raised in recent days as word of large-scale layoffs ... of our planet and their ...