In a constantly evolving world, few can say they have witnessed an entire century unfold. But for Mother Ernestine Bostick ...
Christians hear the words "Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return." Those words ring differently for many ...
Life is full of ups and downs, and in tough times, we all look for signs that we are not alone.Devotion to God strengthens ...
"Lent questions all of that, reminding us that we are not what we produce, collect or ignore; we are children of God, existing purely because of the grace of ... history of 10 symbols of Easter ...
The three main colors of easter and purple, white and gold, and —according to Barbara Frank, a Pastor at the Church of Natural Healing In Christ in Bethesda, Maryland—each of these colors has a deep ...
163 From "his fullness" as the head of redeemed humanity "we have all received, grace ... symbol and the most perfect realization of the Church: "the Church indeed. . . by receiving the word of ...
And this, I bring with me in my ministry, proclaiming the compassion and the faithful love of God, as I begin my ministry ... I trust that with the Lord’s sustaining grace and his boundless ...
For example during Baptism (Matt 28:19), we are outwardly washed with water but inwardly receive sanctifying grace which reconciles us with God (1 Cor ... were merely a symbol of Christ or merely ...
The ongoing debate about the Ten Commandments in public spaces is about much more than religious symbols. It is about power, control, and the manipulation of religion for political ends. It is about ...
That’s a full fall-from-grace cycle. It’s unlikely that Mr. Gretzky ... “You came to Boston? In winter?? God, will your sacrifices on our behalf never end?” I guess it wasn’t a wild ...