LucasFilm president Kathleen Kennedy was once portrayed in a 'South Park' episode that criticized her leadership. Here's what we know.
Which special effects wizards changed the game for the Academy Awards? These are the seven best visual effect Oscar winners, ...
24.Lord of the Rings also used a bunch of miniatures — here's the famous bridge scene in Khazad-dûm. It was filmed with a few ...
The hilarious sitcom starred the 2025 Bafta Fellow as ‘the Martin Luther King of little people’. But not everyone saw the funny side ...
In the latest TV Legends Revealed, discover the surprising inspiration for Itchy and Scratchy on the Simpsons (and it's not Tom and Jerry)!
The Star Wars franchise has been going through a rough patch in recent years. Here are six movies and TV shows that could ...
The artist would retire from writing and drawing Uncle Scrooge in 1966, but his stories still served as inspiration for George Lucas and Steven ... lead to the Ducktales cartoon, which pulled ...
But Disney had cartoons to remake in live action and theme park tickets ... inch of intellectual property they can get their bottom-line loving hands on, maybe George Lucas was a bit of a case study ...
In the latest Comic Book Legends Revealed, discover whether Gary Larson really offended the iconic primatologist, Jane Goodall, with a Far Side strip ...
In the latest Comic Book Legends Revealed, see how a fifth grade class tried to "solve" a joke puzzle in one of Gary Larson's Far Side comic strips ...