Les’ Copaque Production has commissioned Streamline Studios in Malaysia to develop the Upin & Ipin console game.
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Streamline Studios is currently working on the project of the 'Upin & Ipin Universe' game. This project is a collaborative work with Les' Copaque Production Sdn. Bhd., which is the ...
Memasuki bulan Maret 2025, sejumlah film Indonesia terbaru akan segera hadir. Menariknya, deretan film Indonesia terbaru yang akan segera tayang di Minggu pertama Maret ini semuanya bergenre horor.
Simak rangkuman film Indonesia terbaru tahun 2024 dan 2025. Industri perfilman Indonesia semakin berkembang pesat, ditandai dengan banyaknya film baru yang rilis di tahun 2024 dan awal 2025. Genre ...
SERIAL TERBARU NETFLIX - Cuplikan adegan dalam serial Ratu Ratu Queens: The Series yang dirilis Netflix Rabu (5/2/2025). Berikut ini daftar lengkap film dan serial Indonesia terbaru yang akan ...
Upin and Ipin are twins; they should always play together.” This approach also aims to preserve the essence of Les’ Copaque by fostering bonding sessions between parents and children.
In a groundbreaking move for the Southeast Asian entertainment and gaming industries, leading Southeast Asian animation studio, the Malaysian based Les’ Copaque Production Sdn Bhd, creators of the ...
Set during the pandemic, with characters wearing facemasks and doing their best to social distance, the film has a peculiar, alienating feel that underscores each of the men’s eroding sense of self.
Yet we still think there’s something special about analog photography. If you’re drawn to the idea of shooting on film, this guide will help you get started. Based on the feedback of our ...
Jakarta - Siapa yang gak kenal Upin dan Ipin? Kartun asal Malaysia ini udah jadi bagian masa kecil (dan masa sekarang) banyak orang, terutama di Indonesia. Sejak pertama kali tayang pada 2007, serial ...
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Honri Boma EV, mobil listrik asal Tiongkok, resmi memulai debutnya di Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2025. Mobil ini menarik perhatian dengan desain yang menyerupai ...