Frank Jordan received many accolades during his 35 years as an rock’n’roll entertainer, but none quite as dramatic as the one ...
Post-parade festivities include the Eddie Testa Band, and Pat Guadagno and Richard Blackwell at ... Subscribe to for ...
Country star Gina found not only huge success with Gina and the Champions but speaking to RSVP Country she reveals it was ...
Carnage is known for being one of the most violent characters in the Marvel Universe, and luckily, there's no sign of that changing any time soon.
From Rio De Jannero to Glastonbury and the Great Wall of China, Irish traditional band Dervish have played everywhere a band ...
Greg Tardy started off as a clarinetist in New Orleans before transitioning to tenor saxophone. His music encompasses ...
The Anniversary Celebration,' which featured iconic sketches, musical performances and appearances from former cast members.
Jersey musicians are mourning the passing of David Johansen, founder and frontman of the New York Dolls, who died Friday, Feb ...
Irish music acts have been visiting for weeks already, but St. Patrick’s Day is finally here. The Greater St. Patrick’s Day ...